You name it, we have it!

Whether it concerns a forklift or heavy industrial port equipment, we have it all!

It is best to buy or rent professional business equipment at Van den Dorpe / Heavy Handling. We have a particularly wide and wide range of forklifts, warehouse equipment, heavy forklifts, reach stackers and even the largest material handling crane! Our experienced team provides the best service and after-sales service.

We now have more than 100 employees, spread over Oudenaarde and Kallo.

We are proud to call ourselves the exclusive distributor of Linde (for West, East Flanders and Mouscron), of Konecranes (for Belux) and of Mantsinen (for Benelux and France).


1986 Start-up Van den Dorpe Heftrucks in Wortegem-Petegem
1990 Official Linde Material Handling service partner for East and West Flanders
1996 Appointment of VDD as exclusive distributor of Linde Material Handling for East and West Flanders
2004 Move to new branch in Oudenaarde
2010 Founding Heavy Handling. Distributor Konecranes for West, East Flanders and Hainaut.
2013 Heavy Handling becomes importer Konecranes and Mantsinen for Belgium and Luxembourg
nieuw tweedehands heftruck kopen of huren TCM Van den Dorpe 4
2017 Move Heavy Handling to a completely new site in Kallo, Linkeroever
2018 Heavy Handling becomes the importer of Mantsinen in the Netherlands
2020 Delivery of Used Center (7000m²) in Oudenaarde
2021 Heavy Handling becomes an importer of Mantsinen in France
2023 Renewed contract with Linde Material Handling as exclusive dealer for East and West Flanders and Mouscron.

Ons team

Filip Van den Dorpe Director +32 (0)55 23 20 00
Els Vanrobaeys Zaakvoerder +32 (0)55 23 20 00
Simon Van den Dorpe Zaakvoerder +32 (0)55 23 20 00
Justine Van den Dorpe Preventie & Veiligheid +32 (0)55 23 20 00
Pieter Taillieu Finance & Operations Manager +32 (0)55 23 20 00
David Degrande Sales Manager +32 (0)478 38 03 71
Dignum Bossuyt Used Equipment +32 (0)475 26 54 62
Bart Vandenbussche Key Account Manager +32 (0)477 70 01 61
Stijn Delmeire Key Account Manager +32 (0)474 54 36 96
Stef poppe
Christophe Crombez
Mathias Matton
Alexander Beers
Steven Feliers
Marijke Menu Parts + 32 (0) 55 23 20 00
Geert Vandenburie Dispatch Elektrisch +32 (0)55 23 20 00
Bernard De Temmerman Dispatch Thermisch +32 (0)55 23 20 00
Anna Harasimiuk Trading +32 (0)55 23 20 00